Does the punishment fit the crime?

Tara Schwitter is, by all accounts, a terrific HS athlete at Immaculate Heart Academy in NJ. So good that she’s being recruited by a number of D-I colleges for soccer. But when the Univ of Miami soccer coach invited Tara to participate in a 3-day soccer showcase during the Christmas break to show her stuff, … Continue reading

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Running Up The Score: Time to take a stand

It’s very simple…there’s really no reason at all to ever humiliate an opponent by allowing your kids to run up the score. Sure, coaches can make all the excuses they want…”How can I tell my second and third stringers not to score?”…”We really weren’t trying to score a lot of points”…and so on. But if … Continue reading

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“In Your Face” Coaches: Where do we draw the line?

As evidenced by the recent firings of top college football coaches such as Mike Leach of Texas Tech, Mark Mangino at Kansas, and Jim Leavitt at the Univ of South Florida, clearly the parameters are changing. That is, there is no more tolerance for coaches who, in order to motivate their players, have to reach … Continue reading

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